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Category: Livestock

Rabbit breeding principle

Rabbit breeding is gaining popularity among farmers again. Rabbits are one of the most prolific pets. One female in a year can produce up to 30 rabbits, which is about 70 kg of meat. Reproduction - rabbits are one of the most important aspects, the intricacies of which everyone should know...

Yaroslavl breed of cows

The Russian Yaroslavl breed of cows gained popularity among domestic farmers due to their productivity in the 19th century, when, with the growth and development of large cities in Russia, the demand for livestock products increased, which contributed to its introduction into a separate line. Yaroslavl breed of cows...

Features of the Kholmogory breed of cows

The Kholmogory breed of cows is one of the cold-resistant representatives of the horned family. It is believed that it first appeared in the 17th century, it was then, thanks to selection and genetic experiments, that this tribe was formed. As a result, the cows of this family have become more resilient, their...

Symptoms and treatment of ascariasis in pigs

Ascariasis of pigs, although not a deadly disease, causes a decrease in the growth rate of young animals and leads to economic losses in pig breeding. Ascariasis of pigs Etiology of ascariasis Ascariasis refers to chronic diseases associated with the presence in the body of animals...

Belgian blue cow

If you look at the photo of this representative of cattle, especially a bull, you will immediately notice a pile of muscles, pumped up like a professional athlete. The Belgian blue cow has such a unique physique. Belgian blue cow About the blue breed from Belgium...

How to make cow drinkers and feeders

Feeders and drinkers for cows are needed by every farmer who breeds these animals. It is simply impossible to do without this inventory, and in any case you have to buy or assemble it yourself. The design of many such devices is not complicated, and even a beginner can make them. But before...

Characteristics of swoon goats

The domestic goat is rightfully considered one of the oldest animals. For over a thousand years, people have been using its milk, meat and wool. In the past, the animal was wild, but then it was tamed and domesticated. But in a large variety of breeds, the Myotonic ones deserve special attention, which in...

Features of the chinchilla rabbit

The Chinchilla rabbit is an animal, the main product obtained from which is fur. The animal got its name because of the similarity in appearance with the rodents of the same name. Description of Chinchilla At the moment there are 2 types of these rabbits, by weight they are small and large. Small ones can weigh up to 2.7 kg, and the weight...

Breed Soviet Heavy Truck

Since ancient times, the horse has faithfully served man. There are different breeds of horses, the differences between them depend on the area of ​​use. Often they resort to their help when pulling power or means of transportation is needed. The undisputed leader among the strongest horses is the Soviet Heavy Loader....

How does African swine fever manifest

African swine fever is a viral disease with a very high mortality rate that is harmless to humans. Synonyms - Montgomery disease, African fever, South African swine fever, ASF. Pathology is very dangerous, spreads quickly and leads to large economic losses. Clinical...